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THE DRAWING SHOW January, 2011-December, 2015

"The Drawing Show" is a five-year exhibition, divided into a series of ten shows. Each exhibition consists of an artist exhibiting drawings at Akira Ikeda Gallery/New York for a period of six months.

Catalogue will be published for each exhibition.

"The Drawing Show" is open by appointment. Please contact Akira Ikeda Gallery/New York at (212) 366-5449 or send an email to info@akiraikedagallery.com to make an appointment.

List of artists:

Ray Smith: 1-6/2011
Bernd Koberling: 7-12/2011
Alain Kirili: 1-6/2012
Peter Bömmels: 7-12/2012
Heribert C. Ottersbach: 1-6/2013
Tomiaki Yamamoto: 7-12/2013
Takahide Koike: 1-6/2014
Not Vital: 7-12/2014
Jan Bünnig: 1-6/2015
Hiromu Yoshimoto: 7-12/2015

Hiromu Yoshimoto 7-12/2015

Exhibition Check List in PDF Format